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IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Bee and Vera on stage. Vera lays sprawled, falling out of Bee's lap. Vera's foot is pressed to Bee's forehead and Bee grasps Vera's other ankle. Vera is dripping wet in a see-through pink slip dress. Bee is wearing a white button-up, white mask, and black knee brace.

about HEARTH


founded in 2022 by Bee Bolino and Vera Drummond-Moore, HEARTH originated as an evening of open hearts through dance, a culmination of the founders' artistic experience together over their past 4 years in college. HEARTH now exists as a dance company between the two, continuing to explore connection, compassion, and communication.

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IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Bee rests in a bed of juicy, green ferns. With one arm resting behind their head, they look up at the camera. He is wearing a grey muscle tee smeared with dirt, and seems to be glowing softly.

BEE BOLINO (they/he) - co-director, choreographer, performer

Recently graduated magna cum laude from Cornish College of the Arts in 2023, Bee draws from his experience as a disabled artist to give voice to the human experience. Bee's work has been performed in Cornish's New Moves, MOMENTA's 2023 CounterBalance, and HEARTH. They continue to unveil all the hidden corners of being by embracing vulnerability.


full resume+more on Bee's website

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VERA DRUMMOND-MOORE - co-director, choreographer, performer

Vera experiences dance as a celebration of both individual discovery and social connection. Vera contemplates the timeless reason for dancing which is, at the core, the expression of emotion. Excited both by the past and what the future holds, Vera creates a place that is of the moment, responsive but not reliant on current events. These works are time-elusive, placeable regardless of space, date, personal history, and body, while honoring identity.


more on Vera's website

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IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Vera emerges from an opening of the root system of a felled, mossy tree. Vera is damp and shining, covered in dirt. More hands than seem possible claw and reach from behind Vera, emerging, covering, cradling, and pulling


Every donation goes directly to our artists and performance costs. Your donations keep us going!


IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Bee and Vera onstage. They rest sitting together, side-to-side. Vera's head rests across Bee's shoulders, and Vera supports both of their weight on one hand. Faced away from the camera, Bee is wearing a white button-up, grey boxers and a black knee brace, and Vera is wearing a pink slip dress. They are both damp.

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